Thursday 9 July 2009

Free Horse Racing Tips

Anyone placing bets on horse racing is doing so to win. Even people that frequent the tracks may feel the urge to find some free tips to help them to get that jackpot that they have been working towards. The truth is that no matter how good the tips you get, you are still gambling and there is still going to be a risk since no one can be absolutely certain of the outcome. There are ways, however, to help you to get closer to the desired outcome.

One of the top free racing tips is to place two bets every time you bet. Take a calculated risk, one that you have researched and appears to be a sure thing such as the crowd favorite or a horse with high odds, as well as a larger risk such as a horse that your instincts feel good about no matter what the odds. The only way to win large is to win on an underdog who has the odds against him. However, taking the calculated risk will at least help you keep a little of your bets each time. Of course if you continuously bet on the horses with low odds then you will quickly find yourself out of money. That's why when you split your bet you have a better chance of breaking even at the end of the day, if not walking away with even a little profit.

You may be asking, how do I pick the best underdog horse to place my second bet on? The best bet is to know what affects the track may have on the favorites. Like if the horse that has been a frequent winner is only used for racing in a mild to moderate temperature and the weather is expected to be hot, it may keep the favorite from winning and give the underdog, who is used to running in the hotter climate, some advantage. Because the underdog is used to the hotter temperature he will not tire out as quickly as the others might and it gives him a better chance at taking over the race. Even something that seems unimportant like the weather can make a huge difference on the race. It helps to know all you can about horses, as well as their riders, before you place a bet. Something like knowing that a horse that stands a certain way may be retaining water can tip you off as to how their race may go that day.

Even something that seems simple, like accepting free tips, can be a bet that you have to take in order to win large at the tracks. To increase your winnings you'll have to find a formula of tips and your choices that lead to larger jackpots. Any seasoned better will tell you that betting on horse racing is more of a science than a sport so the more familiar you are with horses and horse racing the more likely it is that you can walk away a winner.

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